Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Class 10 Agenda: Key Company Players in the WOMM Space and the Concepts & Principles That Inform Their Organized WOMM Programs

10; Key Company Players in the WOMM Space and the Concepts & Principles That Inform Their Organized WOMM Programs (Wednesday)

Learning Objective(s):

· To explain an organized WOM program in light of the WOMMA Terminology Framework
· To articulate how an organized WOMM program leverages WOM principles
· To apply lessons learned from evaluating a company’s organized WOMM program to designing one’s own WOMM program

Readings for This Class:

· No Readings


· Student presentations


· Presentation order:
1. Brains on Fire Rage Against the Haze
2. BzzAgentRadica Games’ 20Q
3. Church of the Customer Discovery Network
4. MatchstickWine Council of Ontario’s VQA
5. M80Family Guy

· Describe the company in terms of its mission, their clients, and the services they provide (300-500 words)
· Describe the type of WOMM program in terms of the techniques used (see; 100-200 words)
· Describe the characteristics of the WOMM program in terms of the WOMMA Terminology Framework (specifically, Participants, Venues, WOMUnits, Actions, and Outcomes; 500-700 words).
· Identify and discuss the goals of the program (100-200 words).
· Identify and discuss the specific methods and/or metrics used to measure the success of the program (300-500 words).
· Identify and discuss the WOM principles leveraged in the program to make it successful (300-500 words).
· Identify any lessons the company learned from the program and how it could apply to your group designing its own organized WOMM program (at least 2 points; 500-700 words)
· Does your group consider this program to be a success? If so, why? If not, why not? (150 - 250 words)
· From your group’s perspective what would your group have done differently with the program design or evaluation? (Identify at least two points; 300-500 words).

To Do (for next class):

· Readings:
o A Note to New Consultants. Bruce Henderson. 1970s. Pages 1-3. (Bb)
o How to manage connected marketing. Martin Oetting. 2006. Pages 232-266. (Bb)


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