Monday, April 23, 2007

Heroes...Ads or No Ads?

Last week I was watching the TV series Heroes on the internet with my friends. It was the first episode of it and there was a guy named “Hiro.” In the TV series, Hiro is an “anime enthusiast who develops a way to pierce the space-time continuum and move back in time through sheer will power.” So there he goes- Hiro saw a NYC poster in the train and then he inadvertently teleported himself to New York Times Square from Tokyo, Japan.
What really caught my attention was not the scene itself or the superpower that Hiro possesses, but it was the ads and the giant billboards that were flashing behind Hiro. It was so random…but a thought popped into my head - what if there is no more dazzling billboards hanging around? What would a quiet Times Square be like? A Times Square without neon lights? So I randomly brought up these “concerns” to my friend. Then we got into argument because he said that would be a very good idea – he does not like any ads.
Even though money spent on TV ads still take the major share of the media spending in the US (from Jodi Long’s presentation), I still think it is possible to foresee lesser and lesser money would be invested in the traditional mainstream media marketing, as to consider WOMM is gradually becoming so prominent in the upcoming future. Not to mention that WOMM is relatively cheaper than the traditional ads, WOMM is also effective and powerful. So would the mainstream media marketing be progressively replaced by it? Or is there any fraction between these two?
Yes, advertisements are ubiquitous that we almost impossible to avoid them. And I hate the fact that sometimes they are so annoying that I do not even want them to exist. But I feel like ads are so penetrated in my lives that I could not live without them anymore. Think about ads during childhood (even though I do not remember many of them…) and think about those great fantastic ads during prime time on TV. Not that I do not like to see more and more WOMM, but I just thought that a life without ads would be REALLY boring. I am already feeling sad when I imagine all these traditional ads hold the possibility of being taken down…as if it would really happen in near future......=[

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